Title |
, The Hamilton Spectator, Monday July 29 1901, death of Joseph Faulknor on Saturday July 27 1901 (Hamilton, Ontario July 29) (N.p.: n.p., n.d.). |
Short Title |
The Hamilton Spectator, Monday July 29 1901, death of Joseph Faulknor on Saturday July 27 1901 (Hamilton, Ontario July 29) |
Repository |
LDS Family History Library |
. The Hamilton Spectator, Monday July 29 1901, death of Joseph Faulknor on Saturday July 27 1901 (Hamilton, Ontario July 29). N.p.: n.p., n.d.. |
, The Hamilton Spectator, Monday July 29 1901, death of Joseph Faulknor on Saturday July 27 1901 (Hamilton, Ontario July 29). |
Source ID |
S97 |
Text |
MANY DEATHSMourning in a Number of Homes in the City The city hall flag is half-masted today out of respect for the memory of the late Joseph Faulknor, one of Hamiltons's oldest residents and an ex-councimen who died Saturday morning. Mr. Faulknor was 84 years of age, and lived in Hamilton nearly all of his life. His home was at 232 Victoria Avenue north, and he had a very large circle of firends, by whom he was highly esteemed. In 1854 he was elected councilman, and served for two years, It was by his vote that James Cummings was elected mayor in 1854. In those days the man paying taxes on the highest assesed value of his property gave the casting vote. In 1854 there was a deadlock and Mr. Faulknor had the casting vote. He cas in favor of Mr Cummings, ensuring his election. The deceased leves a widow and grown up family. The funeral took place this afternoon, and was private. |
Linked to (1) |
Joseph Faulknor |